The Lectionary Page

Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 2022, with 2024 additions and modifications

In 2024, meeting in Nashville, the General Convention approved a new lectionary for the Commemorations previously approved in Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 2022. For every commemoration, a fourth reading has been added to the propers and many other changes were made to the existing readings. Additionally, five new commemorations were approved for trial use and seven commemorations were given new dates of observance. The new observances have been added, the date changes made and the lection changes have been made. In the index below, the commemorations (and alternate dates) approved only provisionally are shown in square brackets.

For an index to the commemorations by date, see Lesser Feasts and Fasts, by Date

Alphabetical Index


  • Aelred, Abbot of Rievaulx, 1167, January 12
  • Agatha of Sicily, Martyr, c.251, February 5
  • Agnes and Cecilia of Rome, Martyrs, 304 and c.230 January 21
  • Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne, 651, August 31
  • Alban, First Martyr of Britain, c.304, June 22
  • Alcuin, Deacon, and Abbot of Tours, 80, May 20
  • Anna Ellison Butler Alexander, 1947, September 24
  • Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxons, 899, October 26
  • Commemoration of All Faithful Departed, November 2
  • Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Martyr, 1012, April 19
  • Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 397, December 7
  • Ammonius, Hermit, c.403, November 8
  • Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Winchester, 1626, September 26
  • Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1109, April 21
  • Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary to Denmark and Sweden, 865, February 3
  • Antony, Abbot in Egypt, January 17
  • Priscilla and Aquila, Coworkers of the Apostle Paul, July 8
  • Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Friar, 1274, January 28
  • Argula von Grumbach, Scholar and Church Reformer, c.1554, July 14
  • Johann Arndt and Jacob Boehme, Mystics, 1621 and 1624, May 11
  • Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, 373, May 2
  • Augustine, First Archbishop of Canterbury, 605, May 26
  • Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 430, August 28
  • —B—

  • Johann Sebastian Bach, 1750, Composer, July 28
  • Bakhita (Josephine Margaret Bakhita), Monastic, 1947, February 8
  • Catherine of Alexandria, Barbara of Nicomedia, and Margaret of Antioch, Martyrs, c.305, November 24
  • Basil of Caesarea, Bishop and Theologian, 379, June 14
  • Thomas Becket, December 29
  • Bede the Venerable, Priest, and Monk of Jarrow, 735, May 25
  • Harriet Bedell, Deaconess and Missionary, 1969, January 8
  • The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, August 29
  • Benedict of Nursia, Abbott of Monte Cassino, c.540, July 11
  • Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), Philosopher, Monastic, and Martyr, 1942, August 9
  • Richard Meux Benson, Religious, 1915, and Charles Gore, Bishop of Worcester, of Birmingham, and of Oxford, 1932, January 16
  • Bernard of Clairvaux, Monastic and Theologian, August 20
  • Birgitta of Sweden, Mystic, 1373, October 7
  • Blandina and Her Companions, The Martyrs of Lyons, 177, June 2
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer, and Sojourner Truth, Social Reformers, July 20
  • Johann Arndt and Jacob Boehme, Mystics, 1621 and 1624, May 11
  • The First Book of Common Prayer, 1549, June 13
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Pastor and Theologian, 1945, April 9
  • Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz, Missionary to Germany, and Martyr, 754, June 5
  • Thomas Bray, Priest and Missionary, 1730 , February 15
  • James Lloyd Breck, Priest, 1876, April 2
  • Charles Henry Brent, Bishop of the Phillipines, and of Western New York, 1929, March 27
  • Brigid (Bride), February 1
  • Phillips Brooks, Bishop of Massachusetts, 1893, January 23
  • Joseph Butler, 1752, Bishop and Theologian, June 16
  • —C—

  • Harriet Starr Cannon, Religious, 1896, April 5
  • Adelaide Teague Case, Teacher, 1948, June 19
  • Peter Williams Cassey, Deacon, 1917 and Annie Besant Cassey, 1875, April 16
  • John Cassian, Monastic and Theologian, 435, July 23
  • Catherine of Alexandria, Barbara of Nicomedia, and Margaret of Antioch, Martyrs, c.305, November 24
  • Catherine of Genoa, Mystic and Nurse, 1510, September 15
  • Catherine of Siena, 1380, April 29
  • Edith Cavell, Nurse, 1915, October 12
  • Agnes and Cecilia of Rome, Martyrs, 304 and c.230 January 21
  • Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, 672, March 2
  • Charles de Foucauld, Monastic and Martyr, 1916, December 1
  • Philander Chase, Bishop of Ohio, and of Illinois, 1852, September 22
  • John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, 407, January 27
  • Clare, Abbess at Assisi, 1253, August 11
  • Clement of Alexandria, Priest, c.210, December 5
  • Clement, Bishop of Rome, c.100, November 23
  • Margaret Ward, Margaret Clitherow, and Anne Line, Martyrs, 1588, 1586, and 1601, August 30
  • Columba, Abbot of Iona, 597, June 9
  • Constance, Thecla, Ruth, Frances, Charles Parsons, and Louis Schuyler, Martyrs, 1878, September 9
  • Anna Julia Haywood Cooper, 1964, Educator, February 28
  • Damien, Priest, 1889, and Marianne Cope, Monastic, 1918, of Hawaii, April 15
  • Cornelius the Centurion, October 20
  • [Corpus Christi], Thursday following Trinity Sunday. Not on the Episcopal calendar but often observed in the Anglican Communion.
  • Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, and Thomas Cranmer, 1555, 1556, October 16
  • Alexander Crummell, September 10
  • Elisabeth Cruciger, Poet and Hymnographer, 1535, May 3
  • Cuthbert, 687, Bishop of Lindisfarne, March 20
  • Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr of Carthage, 258, September 13
  • Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, 386, March 18
  • Cyril, Monk and Methodius,Bishop, Missionaries to the Slavs, 869, 885, February 14
  • —D—

  • Damien, Priest, 1889, and Marianne Cope, Monastic, 1918, of Hawaii, April 15
  • Jonathan Myrick Daniels, Seminarian and Martyr, 1965, August 14
  • David, Bishop of Menevia, Wales, c. 544, March 1
  • Francis de Sales, Bishop, and Jane de Chantal, Vowed Religious, 1622 and 1641, December 12
  • Charles de Foucauld, Monastic and Martyr, 1916, December 1
  • James De Koven, Priest, 1879, March 22
  • Vincent de Paul, Priest, and Louise de Marillac, Vowed Religious, Workers of Charity, 1660, March 15
  • Vincent de Paul, Priest, and Louise de Marillac, Vowed Religious, Workers of Charity, 1660, March 15
  • Francis de Sales, Bishop, and Jane de Chantal, Vowed Religious, 1622 and 1641, December 12
  • Dominic, Priest and Friar, 1221, August 8
  • John Donne, Priest, 1631, March 31
  • Tabitha (Dorcas) of Joppa, October 25
  • Frederick Douglass, Orator and Advocate for Truth and Justice, 1895, February 20
  • Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, 988, May 19
  • —E—

  • Edmund, King of East Anglia, 870, November 20
  • Elizabeth, Princess of Hungary, 1231, November 19
  • Julia Chester Emery, Missionary, 1922, January 9
  • Kamehameha and Emma, King and Queen of Hawaii, 1864, 1885, November 28
  • Enmegahbowh, Priest and Missionary, 1902, June 12
  • Ephrem of Nisibis, Deacon and Poet, 373, June 10
  • Euphrosyne/Smaragdus of Alexandria, Monastic, fifth century, September 27
  • Paula and Eustochium of Rome, Monastics and Scholars, 404 and c.419, September 28
  • —F—

  • Fabian, Bishop and Martyr of Rome, 250, January 20
  • Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs, 202, March 7
  • Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon, 1637, December 1
  • The First Book of Common Prayer, 1549, is appropriately observed on a weekday following the Day of Pentecost
  • [Charles de Foucauld, Hermit and Martyr in the Sahara, 1916], December 1
  • Constance, Thecla, Ruth, Frances, Charles Parsons, and Louis Schuyler, Martyrs, 1878, September 9
  • Francis of Assisi, Friar, 1226, October 4
  • Francis de Sales, Bishop, and Jane de Chantal, Vowed Religious, 1622 and 1641, December 12
  • Francis Xavier, Missionary to the Far East, 1552, December 3
  • —G—

  • Thomas Gallaudet, 1902 and Henry Winter Syle, 1890, August 27
  • Frances Joseph Gaudet, Educator and Prison Reformer, 1934, December 30
  • [George of Lydda, May 6]
  • Mechthilde of Hackeborn and Gertrude the Great, Mystics and Thoelogians, 1298 and 1302, November 21
  • Richard Meux Benson, Religious, 1915, and Charles Gore, Bishop of Worcester, of Birmingham, and of Oxford, 1932, January 16
  • Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, c.394, March 9
  • Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop of Constantinople, 389, May 9
  • Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, 604, March 12
  • Gregory the Illuminator, Bishop and Missionary of Armenia, c.332, March 23
  • Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln, 1253, October 9
  • Argula von Grumbach, Scholar and Church Reformer, c.1554, July 14
  • —H—

  • Hadewijch of Brabant, Poet and Mystic, thirteenth century, April 22
  • James Hannington, Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa, and his Companions, Martyrs, 1885, October 29
  • [Isabel Florence Hapgood, Ecumenist, 1929], June 26
  • The Consecration of Barbara Clementine Harris, First Woman Bishop in the Anglican Communion, 1989, February 11
  • Helena of Constantinople, Protector of the Holy Places, 330, May 22
  • George Herbert, Priest, 1633, February 27
  • Zenaida, Philonella, and Hermione, Unmercenary Physicians, c.100, c.117, April 14
  • Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, 367, January 13
  • Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680, November 18
  • Hildegard,Mystic and Scholar, 1179, September 17
  • Richard Rolle, 1349, Walter Hilton, 1396, and Margery Kempe, c. 1440, Mystics, November 9
  • John Henry Hobart, Bishop of New York, 1830 , September 12
  • James Theodore Holly, Bishop of Haiti, and of the Dominican Republic, 1911, March 13
  • Richard Hooker, Priest, 1600, November 3
  • Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop, 1200 November 17
  • James Otis Sargent Huntington, Priest and Monk, 1935, November 25
  • William Reed Huntington, Priest, 1909, July 27
  • —I—

  • Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, and Martyr, c.115, October 17
  • Ignatius of Loyola, Priest, Monastic, and Founder of the Society of Jesus, 1556, July 31
  • Irenaeus of Lyon, Bishop and Theologian, c.202, June 28
  • —J—

  • Francis de Sales, Bishop, and Jane de Chantal, Vowed Religious, 1622 and 1641, December 12
  • The Martyrs of Japan, 1597, February 5
  • Jerome, Priest, and Scholar, 420, September 30
  • Joanna, Mary, and Salome, Myrrh-Bearing Women, August 3
  • John XXIII (Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli), Bishop of Rome, 1963, June 4
  • The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, August 29
  • John of Damascus, Priest, c.760, December 4
  • John of the Cross, Mystic, 1591, December 14
  • Juana Ines de la Cruz, Monastic and Theologian, 1695, April 18
  • Absalom Jones, Priest, 1818, February 13
  • Paul Jones, September 4
  • Joseph of Arimathaea, August 1
  • Dame Julian of Norwich, c. 1417, May 8
  • Justin, Martyr at Rome, c.167, June 1
  • —K—

  • [Toyohiko Kagawa, Prophetic Witness in Japan, 1960], April 23
  • Kamehameha and Emma, King and Queen of Hawaii, 1864, 1885, November 28
  • Kassiani, Poet and Hymnographer, 865, September 7
  • Katharina von Bora, Church Reformer, 1552, December 20
  • John Keble, Priest, 1866, March 29
  • Richard Rolle, 1349, Walter Hilton, 1396, and Margery Kempe, c. 1440, Mystics, November 9
  • Jackson Kemper, First Missionary Bishop in the United States, 1870, May 24
  • Thomas a Kempis, Priest, 1471, July 24
  • Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1711, March 21 [or 20]
  • Martin Luther King, Jr., Civil Rights Leader, 1968, April 4
  • James De Koven, Priest, 1879, March 22
  • —L—

  • Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, and Thomas Cranmer, 1555, 1556, October 16
  • William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1645, January 10
  • Laurence, Deacon, and Martyr at Rome, 258, August 10
  • William Law, Priest, 1761, April 10
  • Leo of Rome, Bishop, 461, November 10
  • Clive Staples Lewis, Apologist and Spiritual Writer 1963, November 22
  • [Lili'uokalani of Hawai’i, January 29 or November 11]
  • Margaret Ward, Margaret Clitherow, and Anne Line, Martyrs, 1588, 1586, and 1601, August 30
  • Louis, King of France, 1270, August 25
  • Vincent de Paul, Priest, and Louise de Marillac, Vowed Religious, Workers of Charity, 1660, March 15
  • Lucy of Syracuse, Martyr, 304, December 13
  • Martin Luther, Reformer, 1546, February 18
  • Janani Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda, and Martyr, 1977, February 17
  • Lydia of Thyatira, Coworker of the Apostle Paul, May 21
  • —M—

  • Macrina of Caesarea, Monastic and Teacher, 379, July 19
  • Marcella of Rome, Monastic and Scholar, 410, January 31
  • Margaret, Queen of Scotland, 1093, November 16
  • Catherine of Alexandria, Barbara of Nicomedia, and Margaret of Antioch, Martyrs, c.305, November 24
  • Margaret of Cortona, Monastic, 1297,February 22
  • Damien, Priest and Leper, 1889, and Marianne, Religious, 1918, of Hawaii, April 15
  • Marina the Monk, Monastic, fifth century, June 17
  • Thurgood Marshall, Lawyer and Jurist, 1993, May 17
  • Mary and Martha of Bethany, July 29
  • Martin, Bishop of Tours, 397, November 11
  • Henry Martyn, Priest, and Missionary to India and Persia, 1812, October 19
  • Óscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, 1980, and the Martyrs of El Salvador, March 24
  • The Martyrs of Japan, 1597, February 6
  • Blandina and Her Companions, The Martyrs of Lyons, 177, June 2
  • The Martyrs of Memphis: Constance, Thecla, Ruth, Frances, Charles Parsons, and Louis Schuyler, 1878, September 9
  • The Martyrs of New Guinea, 1942, September 2
  • The Martyrs of the Reformation Era, May 5
  • The Martyrs of Uganda, 1886, June 3
  • The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 8
  • Joanna, Mary, and Salome, Myrrh-Bearing Women, August 3
  • Mary of Egypt, Monastic, c.421, March 30
  • Mary and Martha of Bethany, July 29
  • Maryam of Qidun, Monastic, fourth century, October 30
  • Manche Masemola, Martyr, 1928, February 4
  • Eva Lee Matthews, Monastic, 1928, July 6
  • Frederick Denison Maurice, Priest 1872, April 1
  • Mechthild of Magdeburg, Mystic, c.1282, May 28
  • Mechthilde of Hackeborn and Gertrude the Great, Mystics and Thoelogians, 1298 and 1302, November 21
  • Melania the Elder, Monastic, 410, June 8
  • Cyril, Monk and Methodius, Bishop, Missionaries to the Slavs, 869, 885, February 14
  • Bernard Mizeki, Martyr, 1896 , June 18
  • Monica, Mother of Augustine of Hippo, 387, May 4
  • Harriet Monsell, Monastic, 1883, March 26
  • Hannah More, Religious Writer and Philanthropist, 1833, September 6
  • Emily Malbone Morgan, Prophetic Witness, 1937, February 25
  • Moses the Black, Desert Father and Martyr, c. 400, July 2
  • John Raleigh Mott, Evangelist and Ecumenical Pioneer, 1955, October 3
  • William Augustus Muhlenberg, Priest, 1877, April 8
  • Pauli Murray, Priest, 1985, July 1
  • —N—

  • The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 8
  • [Elie Naud, Huguenot Witness to the Faith, 1722], September 7
  • John Mason Neale, Priest, 1866, August 7
  • The Martyrs of New Guinea, 1942, September 2
  • Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c.342, December 6
  • Florence Nightingale, Nurse, Social Reformer, 1910, August 12
  • Ninian, Bishop in Galloway, c.430, September 16
  • Nino of Georgia, Missionary, c.332, December 15
  • —O—

  • David Pendleton Oakerhater, Deacon and Missionary, 1931, September 1
  • —P—

  • Pachomius of Tabennisi, Monastic, 348, May 15
  • The Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, July 26
  • Constance, Thecla, Ruth, Frances, Charles Parsons, and Louis Schuyler, Martyrs, 1878, September 9
  • Patrick, Bishop and Missionary of Ireland, 461, March 17
  • John Coleridge Patteson, Bishop, and his Companions, Martyrs, 1871, September 20
  • [Vincent de Paul, Religious, and Prophetic Witness, 1660], September 27
  • Paula and Eustochium of Rome, Monastics and Scholars, 404 and c.419, September 28
  • Frances Perkins, Public Servant and Prophetic Witness, 1965, May 13
  • Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs, 202, March 7
  • [The Philadelphia Eleven, July 29]
  • Philip, Deacon and Evangelist, October 11
  • Zenaida, Philonella, and Hermione, Unmercenary Physicians, c.100, c.117, April 14
  • Phoebe, Deacon, September 3
  • Photini, The Samaritan Woman, c.67, February 26
  • Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr of Smyrna, 156, February 23
  • Priscilla and Aquila, Coworkers of the Apostle Paul, July 8
  • Edward Bouverie Pusey, Priest, 1882, September 18
  • —R—

  • Remegius of Rheims, Bishop, c.530, October 2
  • Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 1253, April 3
  • Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, and Thomas Cranmer, 1555, 1556, October 16
  • Richard Rolle, 1349, Walter Hilton, 1396, and Margery Kempe, c. 1440, Mystics, November 9
  • Óscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, 1980, and the Martyrs of El Salvador, March 24
  • John XXIII (Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli), Bishop of Rome, 1963, June 4
  • James Solomon Russell, Priest, 1935, March 28
  • Constance, Thecla, Ruth, Frances, Charles Parsons, and Louis Schuyler, Martyrs, 1878, September 9
  • —S—

  • Joanna, Mary, and Salome, Myrrh-Bearing Women, August 3
  • Sarah, Theodora, and Syncletica of Egypt, Desert Mothers, fourth–fifth century, January 5
  • Dorothy L Sayers, Apologist and Spiritual Writer, 1957, December 17
  • Samuel Isaac Joseph Schereschewsky, Bishop of Shanghai, 1906, October 14
  • Scholastica, Monastic, 543, February 10
  • Constance, Thecla, Ruth, Frances, Charles Parsons, and Louis Schuyler, Martyrs, 1878, September 9
  • Vida Dutton Scudder, Educator and Witness for Peace, 1954, October 10
  • Consecration of Samuel Seabury, First American Bishop, 1784, November 14
  • George Augustus Selwyn, Bishop of New Zealand, and of Lichfield, 1878, April 11
  • Sergius of Radonezh, Monastic, 1392, September 25
  • Elizabeth Seton, Founder of the American Sisters of Charity, 1821, January 4
  • Charles Simeon, Priest, 1836, November 12
  • Maria Skobtsova, Monastic and Martyr, 1945, July 21
  • Euphrosyne/Smaragdus of Alexandria, Monastic, fifth century, September 27
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer, and Sojourner Truth, Social Reformers, July 20
  • Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), Philosopher, Monastic, and Martyr, 1942, August 9
  • Thomas Gallaudet, 1902 and Henry Winter Syle, 1890, August 27
  • Sarah, Theodora, and Syncletica of Egypt, Desert Mothers, fourth–fifth century, January 5
  • —T—

  • Tabitha (Dorcas) of Joppa, October 25
  • Jeremy Taylor, Bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore, 1667, August 13
  • Kateri Tekakwitha, Lay Contemplative, 1680, April 17
  • William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1944, November 6
  • Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), Philosopher, Monastic, and Martyr, 1942, August 9
  • Teresa of Avila, Nun, 1582, October 15
  • Constance, Thecla, Ruth, Frances, Charles Parsons, and Louis Schuyler, Martyrs, 1878, September 9
  • Thecla of Iconium, Proto-Martyr Among Women, c.70, September 23
  • Theodora, Empress, c.867, February 12
  • Sarah, Theodora, and Syncletica of Egypt, Desert Mothers, fourth–fifth century, January 5
  • Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury, 690, September 19
  • Therese of Lisieux, Monastic, 1897, October 1
  • Thomas a Kempis, Priest, 1471, July 24
  • Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Friar, 1274, January 28
  • Ordination of Florence Li Tim-Oi, First Woman Priest in the Anglican Communion, 1944 , January 24
  • Tikhon, Patriarch of Russia, Confessor and Ecumenist, 1925, April 7
  • Timothy and Titus , Companions of Saint Paul, January 26
  • Timothy and Titus , Companions of Saint Paul, January 26
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer, and Sojourner Truth, Social Reformers, July 20
  • Harriet Ross Tubman, Social Reformer, 1923, March 10
  • [Adeline Blanchard Tyler and her Companions, November 4]
  • William Tyndale, 1536, [and Miles Coverdale, 1568], Translators of the Bible, October 6
  • —U—

  • The Martyrs of Uganda, 1886, June 3
  • Evelyn Underhill, 1941, June 15
  • —V—

  • Vincent, Deacon of Saragossa, and Martyr, 304, January 22
  • Vincent de Paul, Priest, and Louise de Marillac, Vowed Religious, Workers of Charity, 1660, March 15
  • Katharina von Bora, Church Reformer, 1552, December 20
  • Argula von Grumbach, Scholar and Church Reformer, c.1554, July 14
  • —W—

  • Margaret Ward, Margaret Clitherow, and Anne Line, Martyrs, 1588, 1586, and 1601, August 30
  • John and Charles Wesley, Priests, 1791, 1788, March 3
  • William White, Bishop of Pennsylvania, 1836, July 17
  • William Wilberforce, 1833, July 30
  • Channing Moore Williams, Missionary Bishop in China and Japan, 1910, December 2
  • Willibrord, Bishop and Missionary, 739, November 7
  • Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, 1095, January 19
  • —X—

  • Francis Xavier, Missionary to the Far East, 1552, December 3
  • —Y—

  • Agnes Tsao Kou Ying, Agatha Lin Zhao, and Lucy Yi Zhenmei, Catechists and Martyrs, 1856, 1858, and 1862, February 19
  • —Z—

  • Katharina Zell, Church Reformer and Writer, 1562, September 5
  • Zenaida, Philonella, and Hermione, Unmercenary Physicians, c.100, c.117, April 14
  • Agnes Tsao Kou Ying, Agatha Lin Zhao, and Lucy Yi Zhenmei, Catechists and Martyrs, 1856, 1858, and 1862, February 19
  • Zita of Tuscany, Worker of Charity, 1271, April 27

  • Return to The Lectionary Page.